Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hoima Town.

Hoima Town is a District in western Uganda, which is home to approximately 43,000 people.  The Hoima District is bordered by Buliisa District to the north, Masindi District to the northeast, Kyankwanzi District to the east, Kibaale District to the south, and Ntoroko District to the southwest.  Hoima District and the Democratic Republic of the Congo is separated by Lake Albert, which is to the west of Hoima.

Hoima is located 230 kilometers (140 miles) northwest of Kampala, the capitol of Uganda, which is also the largest city in the country.

Agriculture, specifically food crop, is the backbone of Hoima's economy.  Crops grown include: sorghum, maize, millet, cocoa, peas, sweet potatoes, beans, coffee, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, and coffee.  Hoima is also a large producer of cotton and tobacco. 

Hoima has also been nicknamed "Oil City" because of the recent discovery of crude oil in the District.  

Bunyoro is a kingdom in Western Uganda.  It was one of the most powerful kingdoms in East Africa from the 13th Century to the 19th Century.  It is ruled by the Omukama of Bunyoro.  The current ruler is Solomon Iguru I, the 27th Omukama (King) of Bonyoro-Kitara. King Solomon Iguru's palace is located in Hoima, which is pretty neat! The people of Bunyoro speak Runyoro.  This is the primary language spoken in Hoima Town.  Both Runyoro and Lugandan are spoken here.

Like most towns in Uganda, Hoima is characterized by poverty, underdevelopment, dirt roads, and unplanned infrastructure development.

Most people in Hoima travel by foot or boda boda.  I got on a boda boda one time and swore to Jesus that if He allowed me to live through that experience, I would never get on one again.  I am a woman of my word.

The majority of children attend Primary School.  Uniforms are the norm and the children are eager to learn.  I am excited to spend time with these children and bring much needed school supplies to that area of the world.

Hoima Town is truly such a beautiful place, filled with the most beautiful people.  I am incredibly blessed to be able to return to this part of the world.  

These people I come into contact with while I am in Hoima will know of your love because of the love and support you have shown me during this time of preparation.  This place has changed my life for the better and I am thankful to share it with all of you!